How did nik airball make his money. Nik then indulged in a little amateur dramatics for the benefit of those watching while he considered his next move. How did nik airball make his money

 Nik then indulged in a little amateur dramatics for the benefit of those watching while he considered his next moveHow did nik airball make his money  Accusing wesley of getting his money from daddy and mommy

Ryusuke owes about $500,000 to me and several other people locally,” claimed Airball, who recently lost $1million to Matt Berkey in his high stakes grudge match. In March of 2023, the high-stakes regular revealed that he had dropped $744,000. We guess all his attempts at bluffing and bullying his opponents have backfired. How Did Nik Airball Make His Money- All Revealed (2023) Next. High-stakes poker player Nikhil Arcot, better known by his in-game persona Nik Airball, burned through $759,200 during a recent high-stakes poker session in Southern California. Yes, you read it right. Here in Texas “airball“ means something different. And also made a remarkable aptitude for financial analysis, setting him apart from his peers. HU Match Result: -$1,029,700. Gotta love nik !!yes we pay him 100k a show and he plays 8 times a month. Nik "Airball" Arcot is one of the most notorious players on the Hustler Casino Live stream, known for his abrasive approach towards his opponents. Three days after losing $1 million in a bitter heads-up poker match, Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot gave credit where credit is due to his new rival Matt Berkey. I’ll make a longer post in a couple days. He grew up in a poker-obsessed family and he fell in love with this game at very first moment and he played with his family on daily basis and then moved to USA to follow his dream for the game at. Awards. Obviously Airball doesn't care too much about his rep, and obviously doesn't care much about the money. Nik Airball, on the other hand, bagged a $300,000 win during the stream. Your email address will not be published. It would be one thing if it was this guys persona (like Airball), but up until recently, that wasn't the Mariano portrayed on his vlog. ImpressiveCap1992 • 4 mo. I’ll make a longer post in a couple days. com Poker villain Nik Airball lost two big hands during a Hustler Casino Live session Wednesday. Nik Airball and poker coach Matt Berkey are creating one of the biggest dramas in the sport. Nik Airball in full punt mode all night loses 750K. Arcot bet $3,000 and Rampage called. ago. Sharelines Matt Berkey dusted off Nik Airball for $1 million in heads-up poker. Personal Life: Nik Airball Wife | Nik Airball Girlfriend. chrondus • 1 yr. As streaming live cash games become increasingly popular, Nikhil Arcot (better known as “Nik Airball”) has become a regular on Hustler Club Live. Or Wesley could be making all of this up. After a wild week full of trash talk, accusations, and “put up or shut up” rhetoric the very public war of words between Solve For Why founder Matt Berkey and Hustler Casino Live featured player Nikhil Arcot, aka. The same month, he took some shots at poker. Also notable, is what an average or below average reg Johnnie Vibes is. He speaks very basic Chinese and with a very distinct non-native tone. CryptoOn HCL a few minutes ago: Nik owns Art Papazyan's soul getting him to put his whole $50K stack in with 1%, I say 1%, equity on the flop. Andrew Burnett. In poker, we have witnessed on multiple occasions how match-ups between vastly different players can elicit a truly special spectacle. Nik Airball maintains his personal life remains private and out of public view despite being a well-known figure in the poker industry. FU Huss. —Nik Airball (@nikairball) September 29, 2022 Up until a month ago, Airball had $1. 08:05. Hahahhahaha. Congrats to Berkey. Airball Discusses the Berkey Match and Hints at a New Nemesis. Feb 27, 2023. Almost no actors in even the biggest TV shows have cracked a million an episode. Nik Airball Net Worth. ” - the article. Those high-rollers don't get as many viewers as Hustler's peak audiences and are snooze-fests compared to tonight's game. The other player involved. Known as Jungleman in the poker world, Dan has won nearly $12 million in live tournament earnings, more than $11 million in high stakes online games, and is a 2x World Series of Poker champion. ” - the article. At the end of the day, these two are there to make money and anything they do on TV should be taken with a grain of salt. Stop repping brown ppl pls. Someone on YouTube said “Nik Airball wasn’t bullied enough in high school. With stakes at $100/200/400, big blind ante $200, Yau raised to $2,000 with AKo from the cutoff position (pot – $3,700). His wealth is estimated to be around $10 million. Of course no poker stream would be worth its salt without Nikhil “Nik Airball” Arcot, the walking mouth with a huge bankroll who is currently in a heads-up grudge match with Matt Berkey. Apr 12, 2023. That’s easy to do with a million dollars of Airball’s money in his bank account. 5 hrs/session. Matt Berkey Crushes Nik Airball in Less than 60 Hours, Wins $1 million. Mase lost $250,000 in this game but won $215,000 in the end. Congrats to Berkey. That he's a big winning poker player. The latest Twitter beef is between poker pro Matt Berkey and Nikhil Arcot, aka Nik Airball. Definitely profitable pro but just not going to beat most high stakes pros. ago. In one infamous Texas Hold 'Em hand during Airball's downturn, he bet $6,200 while holding the seven and three of diamonds, having already lost almost half of his $950,000 stack by that point. He definitely created an awkward silence when he pretended to confuse the names of the three players of Asian descent at the table. 🏾 — Nik Airball (@nikairball)Airball could have shrunk back into the shadows a la that Homer Simpson meme but instead, he took to Twitter immediately upon defeat to congratulate his opponent. Hustler Casino Live reg Nik Airball is one such player who is owed a big chunk of change. He probably told them he wants to pursue Poker for a living & they provided him the bankroll needed, 5 Million or 10 Million for starters. Matt Berkey and. Airball styles himself as the ‘King of LA’ and frequently goads and trash-talks his opponents, calling them out – sometimes even just by ‘b**ch’ - and threatening to bankrupt them. Bit of a scuffle, then players/security broke it up. 3. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. So they're gonna be playing a lot of poker which means there will likely be swings in both directions. Poker villain Nik Airball lost two big hands during a Hustler Casino Live session Wednesday. Toward the end of the. Worst part is, there’s nobody in his life telling him he might have a problem. quickclickz • 1 yr. Charlie Wilmoth comments about their table talk. Poker player plus. He grew up in a. Three days after losing $1 million in a bitter heads-up poker match, Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot gave credit where credit is due to his new rival Matt Berkey. ago. ‘Nik Airball’ and ‘Jungleman’ clashed in a pair of memorable livestreamed high-stakes hands. That put Choi in the tank for a couple of minutes before he made the call to scoop a $410,000 pot. Whether it be in the world of sports, politics, and even poker, the best rivalries are often the ones that pit two polar opposites against one another. 1 million in profits from his appearances at some of the biggest cash games in the USA, playing on the hugely. Now, he's got some real money, he replaced his ugly ex-wife with a younger Asian and he's out there ready to show the poker streaming world he's the real man now. At the quarter pole , he held a $90,000 lead and was riding high. Only the biggest fools ever believed Wesley became rich exclusively from crypto. That ballooned to more than $900,000 over that same week. He makes an offhand crack on stream, someone hears it and Tweets about it, then a few iterations. It's a real estate investment company, but unfortunately, Portland Oregon doesn't allow internet users to search which. The pair have a hostile rivalry and are competing in an. ago. He played well and won the match. He also tries to act like he’s action while he tank folds sets and flushes. Airball styles himself as the ‘King of LA’ and frequently goads and trash-talks his opponents, calling them out – sometimes even just by ‘b**ch’ - and threatening to bankrupt them. Matt Berkey (left) and Nik Arcot (aka ‘Nik Airball’) began their heads-up match over the weekend. Airball checked his top pair and flush draw to Cates, who bet $6,000. Nik's stunts make him very difficult to insure. A poker player who often trash-talks opponents and has a reputation for being a "bully" on the circuit ended up losing more than $750,000 in one session. Nik Airball said he loaned "Rip" (Jacob) money ($175,000) to play in the infamous Sept. "Blankcheck" Ben said on Vertucci, with complete seriousness, that Nik started with money made from investment banking, and won the rest playing poker. Nik checked at this point, clearly intending to check raise and Buttonclickr fell for it, raising by a further $45,000. At their peak, they would. Streams on. The turn is gin for Airball with. He. But it wasn't the only hand in which Airball torched a lot of money Airball also ran another awkward bluff in a hand against YouTube creator and rising poker star. Due to how deep these two guys were playing, we got to witness an absolutely huge amount of money swinging from one person to the next. Art is a nit pre flop in these high stakes cash games and buys in pretty shallow, but is still an elite NLHE player. Airball went to school in China. But no one can play perfectly all the time. Nik Airball and poker coach Matt Berkey are creating one of the biggest dramas in the sport. Nik Airball is a tragic figure. Played reasonably tight, with just a few variations here and there. Nik makes it 400 with 75o. I couldn’t yet play guitar, sing, write, or take people’s money at the card table. When Berkey refused, Polk declared. I’ll make a longer post in a couple days. It was a big call or fold moment to make for Berkey, but eventually, he called, his grimace evident as Airball turned over the winning hand of flush cards to match the three on board. He’s inspired many people who want to make it big. Overall, both players took decent lines. Nik Airball is now a regular feature in the live-streamed high-stakes cash game arena. If he runs too bad he might get cut off at some point. The recreational player and investment banker has made a name for himself in recent months thanks to his kamikaze style. Nik Airball, Garrett Adelstein Feud Nik Airball. This website received an SEO score of 86 out of 100, which is higher than the average score of 78. Hustler Casino Live reg Nik Airball is one such player who is owed a big chunk of change. The player you. . The self-proclaimed "King of LA" has emerged as a new supervillain, while playing in some of the biggest cash games in America, because of his trash-talking and his. He said Rip's bank wire. How Did Nik Airball Make His Money? Unveiling The Money-Making Tactics That Changed His Life. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Bro they didn’t. Whatever Matt buys in for tells you everything you need to know about him and his company. I remember the first event, someone came by and said our table was death row on circuit events because 4/7 at the table were in the top 25 or 30 money winners all time on the circuit. Airball went into that match full of confidence, but ended up losing the million pretty fast and. 8 million prize. In Part 1 of the PokerOrg interview, Berkey explained his perception of the people who attacked his credibility and how he approached fighting back. I know Nick got his money doing real estate seminars. Congrats to Berkey. Winning the Game of Life is hosted by Dan Cates. Apparently Ryusuke owes $500k to Nik ($160k to him) and others according to Nik. As announced by Ryan Feldman and Nick Vertucci on Joey Ingram’s YouTube channel Wednesday. trying to defend himself when Nik Airball claimed that he had vouched for that guy Ryusuke at a private game and now this. 1. Nik Airball. Other than that yeah he's a little bit of a dick. But after all the call-outs, negotiations, last-minute friend requests, and even some chest bumping in Bobby’s Room at the Bellagio, high-stakes players Matt. “Nik believes in using his wealth and success to help people in need, and his charitable deeds are evidence of his kind nature. Tmrw I will buy in for $1 million. I honestly feel like Nik Airball has had a big affect on him and it's sad to see because he was VERY likable. Nik Airball says Ryusuke is a scammer and hasn't paid back the $500K he owes to various people, including $160K to Nik. In a second tweet, he also aimed at Nik. 3 sessions (Sat, Sun, Mon) ea week, 6. ago. Net Worth Of Nik Airball. He’s got YouTube money, and that club gg money, and also that being good at poker money, he’s probably not on a regular stake but he’s probably got some backers for these huge stream games. Berkey said Nik is a trust fund baby , his parents seem to be very rich. Waiting for the dealer, Dawn asked Airball to dance on his rival if he scoops the pot. To say Nikairball speaks better Chinese than natives is one of the most flagrantly wrong statements I’ve ever read. Poker. quickclickz • 1 yr. Airball could have shrunk back into the shadows a la that Homer Simpson meme but instead, he took to Twitter immediately upon defeat to congratulate his opponent. The high-stakes grudge match between Solve For Why founder Matt Berkey and rising Hustler Casino Live star Nik ‘Airball’ Arcot is officially in the books with Berkey taking more than a cool $1,000,000 off. Put 10 million in an account. As one of the biggest personalities at the table on Hustler Casino Live’s streaming games, Arcot is known for a few things. Nik Airball, also known as Nikhil Arcot, has recently been one of the notable poker players in some significant buy-in poker streams. If it was moderated at any level they’d keep these threads to just the end of day updates. Here is what happened between Nik Airball poker player, and Garrett Adelstein, our casino news has it all covered. Can't blame him. . The villainous turn . Speaking about his comments that Berkey was a scammer, he said: I. At the end of the day, these two are there to make money and anything they do on TV should be taken with a grain of salt. That's a mere pittance for a successful businessman like Nik is. On Monday, Berkey took to Twitter to publicize the terms for the $100,000 minimum buy-in match: Terms for a match vs @nikairball are set. In a world where poker drama and grudge matches collide, the high-stakes heads-up duel between Matt Berkey and Nikhil Arcot, aka 'Nik Airball,' has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. I like the part where Nik said he had to be home by 6am so his wife can take a picture of his little peepee 🤣. Nik Airball says his wife is not worried about his gambling lifestyle. FU Huss. Dudes a joke of a personality and an asshat across the board. Few poker players have garnered as much attention over the last few months as Nikhil ‘Nik Airball’ Arcot. Like the month of March, which rushes in like a lion only to go out like a lamb, Nik “Airball” Arcot bowed-out of his high stakes heads-up match against poker pro. Daniel Smyth. I think it's funny how the people who know and played with Garrett are more supportive on Nik while the viewers audience seem to back him. Congrats to Berkey. Nik Airball is a professional basketball player and entrepreneur from the United States. He also owes money to people in Japan. I’ll make a longer post in a couple days. One of his most conversation-stopping skills is overt racism. I admit I did it… I’m happy for Matt. But they can't seem to finalize the details. Eric probably made money the legitimate way, being a nerdy casino guy that worked his way up. Poker villain Nik Airball lost two big hands during a Hustler Casino Live session Wednesday. I only wish one of them had called him out on stream, and then the three of them had kicked his ass in the parking lot. Be the pre-flop bully. 5 out of 10 and his technical skills maybe an 8. • 1 yr. Get 400k-600k per year. Airball is almost definitely playing with someone else’s money. Nik then indulged in a little amateur dramatics for the benefit of those watching while he considered his next move. Get 400k-600k per year. After being up in his first appearance, Airball ended down $569,500 over the course of three sessions. In March 2023, the high-stakes regular spoke about losing $744,000 in a session on the […]1) they were selling subscriptions for 4,000 dollars. The self-proclaimed "King of LA" has emerged as a new supervillain, while playing in some of the biggest cash games in America, because of his trash-talking and his. These two poker rivals had initially decided to play No-Limit Hold’em heads-up at $200/$400 stakes for 100 hours at in Las Vegas, but with a $1. June 5, 2023. On Wednesday, Garrett Adelstein poker player hinted on Twitter at his return to live-streaming games, but no specific date or venue was announced. Approximate action, at 50/50/100. ago. As distracting as it may seem, Dawn did not blink once when he asked Airball to dance. Im_Justin_Cider. He blew it up back in the day. Until recently, Airball had made around $1. Holz is known for his aggressive playing style and his uncanny ability to read his opponents'. A dozen players confirmed they will buy-in for a minimum of $1 million as part of the largest live-streamed poker game in history next month. Nik Airball isn't a trust fund kid anyways. Found multiple cheaters with GTOwizards fair play tool (500NL Stars) 279. It's usually a fixed income situation where the kid can't touch the principal money but gets guaranteed 4-6% per year or whatever from annuities and bonds. Garrett wants to be the dominant star and anybody that challenges his fake image as "the best cash game player in L. Dude, get some help. He played well and won the match. He wouldn't be the first though. This week, it was Mariano who booked a $568,000 win before the cameras stopped. After Tuesday's half-a-million-dollar defeat, Nik Airball wasn't thrilled that PokerNews had written an article about his misfortunes. Oh, and the prettiest girl in the school had kicked me in the nuts at least once a year since kindergarten. He didn't particularly get dealt that many playable hands. Apr 2, 2023. Vertucci decided to three-bet AQo to $1,600 from the big blind. Bryan takes three 5k chips from Robbi's stack. Maybe it's an internet thing, but I think a lot of the hate toward him is based on him being a little less. I would bet my left testicle that Airball has a team of people to post stuff about him here on r/poker. High stakes player “Ryusuke” has been accused of disappearing with debts of $15million, with Nik “Airball” Arcot among those allegedly fleeced by the Japanese player. The ball is now in Airball's court to either accept Adelstein's challenge or just take his ball and go home. Mar 26, 2023. Following a week of bad-natured feuding online, the inevitable heads-up match between Matt Berkey and Nik Airball is on. Perfect description of him. ”No sooner had the interview kicked off, Nick Vertucci was straight into the big questions: how much money had Nik Airball lost in his recent downswing? Airball was more than happy to elaborate and told Vertucci that it was around $8,000,000. Pots are growing to hundreds of. Bryan texts DGAF that he has the money he owes him and will pay him back in person on. 2. . — Nik Airball (@nikairball) July 20, 2023. ago. Instead of undoubtedly losing 200k more on the River he ends up winning like 40k or soemthing. WarezMyDinrBitc • 2 days ago. ago. Business, Economics, and Finance. Action folded around to Rampage in the big blind and he bumped it up to $3,000 with A ♦ A. If she doesn't worry about it then she's as big an idiot as he is. By the end of the session, Nik Airball reportedly had about $682,000 in his stack, giving him a win of approximately $122,000. today for our 20-40 (half-kill) Omaha8/stud8 game from 3 pm til past midnight. Mikki Gambler's net worth is unknown. United States Los Angeles, CA, United States. Everyone in his life is enabling this degeneracy because it’s ‘good for. This week’s Twittertainment sees a rare moment of contrition in poker, even if it did follow a $1 million defeat. Join. Live Poker News. After trading numerous punches back and forth on podcasts and Twitter, the two combatants decided on a. Wesley scoops the $476,500 pot with his Ace-high flush/ Final Thoughts. Polk said he couldn’t. A 100 hour grudge match starts this week with at least $1 million potentially on the line between Nik Airball and Matt Berkey. Congrats to Berkey. At this point, it. Three days after losing $1 million in a bitter heads-up poker match, Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot gave credit where credit is due to his new rival Matt Berkey. ago. The show consisted mostly of Nik Airball setting the record straight as far as his thoughts on Garrett Adelstein stand and then he took aim at Matt Berkey, calling him a scammer and challenging. Also - your wife married above… and got what we see on stream. He has been involved in numerous business ventures, from owning his own clothing line to launching a basketball training program. Nik Airball’s net worth is a subject of much speculation in the poker community. Airball is a good poker player 9 handed. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name. Looking to get up to 500k of action. Make money. 14. Jboogs is a big time record producer as are a number of other people on the show. There are trusts with terms built in, such as an inheritance for when you turn 18, etc. 20. That knob Dylan became a phenomenon simply because he was willing to stick in large sums of money against Garrett who'd been bullying players playing HCL like it was a sitngo. These factors and many I still don’t understand today made me believe for the better part of one day that getting the attention of the masses was the. I couldn’t yet play guitar, sing, write, or take people’s money at the card table. Played against him twice in circuit events in Cherokee. The J♠ on the turn doesn’t change anything and Nik Airball checks. Honourable mention to Viffer, who could also get players to get their money in really bad by creating a table image and then tricking or trash talking them. Airdonk's father's name is Premchander, owner of Torc Management, LLC. We are currently in discussions with @PhilGalfond to resolve. We try to answer some of the. Reply brewmaster5. Nick's real name is Nikhil Arcot. Its all high level drama except tons of. The flames were fanned on poker’s next great feud over the weekend as Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates and Nik ‘Nik Airball’ Arcot went to the mat multiple times during a deep-stacked, high-stakes $400/$800 livestreamed cash game. You spent time in your life typing out 4 hate comments to someone who makes your yearly salary in a day. Mar 28, 2023. Terms for a match vs @nikairball are set. Nik Airball is already poker's superstar. Through his savvy investments and his eye for great opportunities, Nik achieved financial success quickly. Airball deliberately subtly needles the bad players so that they think, "oh that's just Airball being Airball", but he viciously needles pros because they are fair game. If all of this is to be believed, then basically Nik got a big bonus from his job, entered poker at semi-high stakes, won a lot at those stakes and is now at much higher stakes. He’s renowned for his financial success and tactical moves that got him to where he is today. Questions were raised as Nik Airball confirmed his participation in yet another session after having quite a few poor outings. And Nick, despite all his follies, manages to make money on streams. The second anyone ever stands up to that douchenozzle he would hide under the table. Cap-N-CrunchPoker • 3 mo. The high-stakes grudge match between Solve For Why founder Matt Berkey and rising Hustler Casino Live star Nik ‘Airball’ Arcot is officially in the books with Berkey taking more than a cool $1,000,000 off Airball in just 58 hours of heads-up play. 420Minions • 5 mo. Garrett has done this type of shit to Poker Bunny and Nik Airball. The only reason people say he sucks is because he's still running around saying he's the best. And to make that happen, Polk is willing to. 156. Airball, whose real name is Nikhil Arcot, has previously. Nik Airball said he loaned "Rip" (Jacob) money ($175,000) to play in the infamous Sept. 1 million in profits while playing on Hustler Casino Live's popular stream (HCL). I’ll make a longer post in a couple days. When he returned from China he started working in investment banking. 29 Hustler Casino Live stream, and then was promptly paid back the following day. Nik answered with a check-raise to $2,100 which Tyrone called and they. Yes, Airball’s swagger went on an upswing but his bankroll continued to freefall. Experiences that money can’t buy In today’s materialistic world, many people believe that money can buy anything, but this is not entirely true. After all the drama Matt Berkey has triumphed after 58 hours, lots of needling and even more bathroom breaks. The heated heads-up match between Solve For Why founder Matt Berkey and Hustler Casino Live star Nik Arcot (aka “Nik Airball”) resumed this past weekend with the pair returning to the Resorts World Poker Room for some high-stakes $200. Hart’s message is to make poker fun for amateur players and bring new players to the game. Airball lost 1 mill to berky, supposedly Feldman lost 1 mil in Ben’s private game. . The minimum buy-in was $100k. But after all the call-outs, negotiations, last-minute friend requests, and even some chest bumping in Bobby’s Room at the Bellagio, high-stakes players Matt. Nik Airball is a well-known name in entrepreneurship. By 1988 he was rich enough to open his own bank, Beal Bank. #1. i mean I doubt it was literally dead even but im guessing within 10k. Nik makes it 400 with 75o. Dana White wouldn't be far behind if he didn't have a good income because that man is losing tens of millions playing blackjack. Jboogs is a big time record producer as are a number of other people on the show. The show sees massive cash swings on the table and Airball repeatedly mixing it up in action. Nik Airball has built a reputation for playing big pots and needling his opponents at the table. After Tuesday's half-a-million-dollar defeat, Nik Airball wasn't thrilled that PokerNews had written an article about his misfortunes. 5 million. Congrats to Berkey. Fine, I’ll agree to ANOTHER of his requests. . Nik Airball should be opening with around the top 20% of hands given his position, the presence of the ante,. Andy gets upset and tells him it's not good to do that. 3. aq-r-steppedinsome • 5 mo. I think his card sense is about 9. He was sitting with J♦️8♣️ and $50,700 in his stack. The villainous turn . 🏾 — Nik Airball (@nikairball)Airball could have shrunk back into the shadows a la that Homer Simpson meme but instead, he took to Twitter immediately upon defeat to congratulate his opponent. Mariano was now facing a bet of $64,800 to call, with the pot standing at $121,275, he was getting 2-1 on his money to make the call. Airball went into that match full of confidence, but ended up losing the million pretty fast and opted out. Ethan ‘Rampage’ Yau, Eric Persson, and Nik Arcot (aka ‘Nik Airball’) will be included in Hustler Casino Live’s Million Dollar Game. As one of the biggest personalities at the table on Hustler Casino Live’s streaming games, Arcot is known for a few things. 14. My guess is that you’ll be leaving most of your funds here in Texas 🐂 . Dan Bilzerian – $200 million. Nik Airball has built a reputation for playing big pots and needling his opponents at the table. Live at the bike , Nick V basically gave money away, Ryan definitely wasn’t a crusher, Luda I doubt was winning. Watch two hands in which Airball saw a combined $270,000 pushed his opponent's way. Nik Airball vs Matt Berkey has gone down as expected so far. The ball is now in Airball's court to either accept Adelstein's challenge or just take his ball and go home. Just finished reviewing yesterday’s @HCLPokerShow. Only time will tell if it’s temporary or a true change of heart, but Nik Airball has addressed his recent controversy and his now infamous heads-up match with. Nik Airball Net Worth. Apparently Ryusuke owes $500k to Nik ($160k to him) and others according to Nik. Relive the high stakes, heads-up poker fued between Matt Berkey and Nik Airball that saw Berkey take home $1,000,000It was a big call or fold moment to make for Berkey, but eventually, he called, his grimace evident as Airball turned over the winning hand of flush cards to match the three on board. ago. Both players threw more money into the pot, and a king of clubs came on the turn before a five of diamonds on the river, allowing Airball to crack Berkey's aces. ago • Edited 6 mo. He is a big fan of sports, and he enjoys playing basketball, tennis, and golf in his spare time. I’ll make a longer post in a couple days. So he was insinuating he comes from money and married money and even laughed about not making his own money. On last Friday's stream, Ethan "Rampage" Yau obliterated Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot en route to a $523,000 profit. By. Also note that not only did Nik make a great fold but he also got Jungle to show a deuce, so that's a double win for Mr Airball. Put 10 million in an account. ago. Despite his young age, Fedor Holz, a true Poker prodigy, has already made a huge impact on the high-stakes poker scene. Two more folds from the big and small Blinds and the action arrived at Nik Airball. It didn’t take long for Airball to get back to his antagonistic ways. Or there is the option of him being a degen and seeing if he can get out of the. The Hustler has become Airball’s church and the live-stream set is his pulpit. 20 years ago, he probably was. Give her her money back bro. 03-01-2023 , 04:51 PM. ·. The Finn quickly calls and just like that we have the biggest pot in Hustler Casino Live history worth $870,000. You can see it on his face when he overbet bluffs and gets picked off, he can’t believe they called, because run good doesn’t just come in the forms of flopping sets, or coolering people - your bluffs get through in dumb spots you shouldn’t be bluffing. Imagine my surprise to see one of the best cash game players of all time, Nik "the quick" Airball. Whatever methods I have told in this post, you can earn 100% money from Figma. So.